
Monday, January 17, 2011

Being a Building Manager is Awful: Intro

I've decided to document the shit that happens to me managing a building in Downtown Los Angeles.

Here are the facts:
  • 214 units
  • 12 Floors
  • I live here, and my loft is awesome
  • Hundreds of assholes/babies also live here
  • work phone is a cell phone, so it's always with me, on call, at all times except for Wednesdays (my day off)
  • the building pretty much looks like this:
I am doing this because it's a great way for me to be able to be an actor.  I can still go on my auditions, and if I book things, I can work them.  I don't get paid much as an actor, and when I do, it's few and far between.  Now the various acting and print gigs I do get, I can use that money instead of it all going towards outrageous Los Angeles rent.
They basically let me live in an awesome loft for free.  The downside is I actually have to do this job, which is terrible.  Absolutely terrible.
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